Strange We Are
30 minutes (per session)
Tokyo and Seoul (2019)
What does the word strange mean? Who is strange? When do you get strange? What is a strange situation?
By finding out an object around me that seems strange to me and by drawing it several times, I started to think on this word. This action leads me into a state of meditation, of the analysis of the word. A situation in which I invited the audience.
This project was initiated in Tokyo before the Strange Neighbor exhibition in Seoul. The performance took place in Tokyo (3 sessions) and in Seoul (3 sessions)

Drawing-performance at Ueno Park (Tokyo, Japan) Crédit-photo: Yu Ohara

Drawing-performance at Ueno Park (Tokyo, Japan) Crédit-photo: Yu Ohara

Drawing-performance in front of the Art Park Gallery in Seoul. Photo-créditt: Koji Kato

Drawing-performance at Ueno Park (Tokyo, Japan) Crédit-photo: Yu Ohara