Drawing In The Night
Live drawing-performance
Facebook, Japan, 2020
Statement 1
I was a bit shocked to see the creation of many art projects such as residencies and grants provided for the creation related to the lockdown period's due the outbreak of the Covid19. It sounds for me like institutions grabbed it as an opportunity of "making money".
I think artists are always in quarantine as a way to be creative. For no famous artists, they live in the dark, struggling every day to survive, waiting for their chance or a time when they will be under spotlights.

Drawing In The Night

Drawing In The Night

Drawing In The Night

Drawing In The Night
Statement 2
I drew time from 1 to 300. The time became lines in the dark of the night. They were hesitant lines at the beginning. Distant lines from each other. In the darkness, these lines fumble and grope together on a dusk sheet of paper. They dance together, let themselves go in the uncertainty of the night. Then they started to explore this uncertainty. This uncertainty gave them an assurance over time. The lines get closer over time before they meet, they start to mix. They merge and overlap on a white sheet which gradually becomes their only source of light. They dance, they rejoice, they enjoy in the noise of their friction on the paper which is no longer completely white. A sheet full of ink that will now keep traces of this nocturnal activity.
Inspired by the works of On Kawara and Roman Opalka, the following drawings are from a series of night live drawing-performance I did on Facebook from April 25th, 2020 to May 24th, 2020.