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Congo, A Story of Lines
Doctor Graduation Work ​
Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo, Japan, 2022.
Congo, a Story of Lines tells the story of the cycles of violence in the Congo since the first encounter between the white man and the inhabitants of the Kongo kingdom at the mouth of the Congo River. This story is told using the intersection between the line, a basic element of drawing, and performance. But this line, or precisely, these lines often carry in themselves natural or human performative actions, visible or invisible like the river, the thread of the story whose flow serves to create movement in the work. The crossing between drawing and performance, between lines and performance is done on a cross inspired by the Kongo Cross which, according to the Kongo kingdom cosmogony, is a cross often oriented from South to North and referred to the continual cycle of life, the continual cycle of the sun, the continual cycle of events. Congo, a Story of Lines is therefore a permanent drawing-performance that tells the violent history of the Congo while expanding the concepts of drawing and drawing-performance.

Congo, A Story of Lines

PG 001

PG 002

Congo, A Story of Lines
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